Just Build Some Damn Muscle

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If you wanna be big, ripped, and strong… and do it without spending hours in the gym or eating a boring diet.... then here's how I did it. And how you can do the same thing.

Here's the story:

My name is Mark Webb. I’m a husband, a father, a small business owner… and I don’t have a lot of free time.

But, I like being jacked.

And, over the last 20 years in this fitness game, I’ve figured out a way to do it… without my life revolving around it.

I don’t spend hours in the gym. I have regular pizza and ice cream dates with my wife and daughter. I eat steak, drink tequila, and smoke cigars with the boys.

And I stay jacked.

Over the last few years, I’ve helped hundreds of “every day” guys like you and me do the same thing.

But, it wasn’t always that way.

See, I did the bodybuilder thing for a while…

Long workouts… clean eating… never going out with friends because I didn’t wanna lose my gains…

It sucked.

But you know what the worst part was?

After years of obsessing over my training... eating chicken and rice every day... and taking all the supplements the magazines shilled...

I'd barely made any progress.

Sure, I put on a few pounds... but I was still skinny fat.

And it's not like I wanted to get massive.

I had no interest in stepping on stage to do a bodybuilding competition. I just wanted to look cool in jeans and a t-shirt. Feel more confident. Turn a couple heads at the beach.

But I didn’t wanna live like a deranged monk for the rest of my life to do it.

So, I started researching and experimenting.

And after lots of reading... asking questions... and trial and error... 

I finally cracked the code that allowed me to build a badass body… while still enjoying life.

And went from a skinny fat kid to an absolute unit in the process.

The coolest part?

People started coming to ME looking for the "secret."

Gym regulars telling me, "Dude, you've BLOWN UP! What are you doing?"

I remember one guy asking me, "so how many days a week do you workout? 5? 6?"

The look of shock on his face when I responded, "Nah. 3 at most."

"No way. Show me."

It's been pretty cool helping regular every day people build their dream body.

Because I believe anyone can do it... if they know what they're doing.

And that's why I've decided to package my whole system up into a course I call:

"Just Build Some Damn Muscle"

It's my simple system for getting big and strong with just 3 workouts a week.

Will it turn you into the next Mr. Olympia? Probably not.

Not many people in the world have the elite muscle building genetics to do so.

Can it help you build a body that looks badass in a t-shirt or on the beach? Absolutely

And, while I say it's simple, that doesn't mean you can be lazy. It still takes hard work and some time. It just doesn't take nearly as much work and time as most of the "mainstream" methods. Even so, I believe it can help you build a badass body... while cutting your training time in half... eating foods you love... and virtually eliminating the frustration of busting your ass in the gym and not making progress.

To help you decide, here's a "sneak preview" of what's inside:

  • How to build dense muscles that look great 24 hours per day and from any angle (not just while you are training or have a “pump”).
  • How to put on muscle without ever having to worry about looking like a meat-head. Create the sharp “angular” look, instead of the bloated round look.
  • (If you’re doing this-- and odds say that you probably are -- it’s costing you untold pounds of muscle. And worse, years of your life you’ll NEVER get back.)
  • Why most guys are dead wrong in how they train for massive size gains. (If you’re training this way, your gains are gonna be painfully slow!)
  • How To DOUBLE Your Muscle Growth By Only Training 45 Minutes Or Less! (The truth is, your testosterone levels start declining RAPIDLY during intense training… so long workouts are actually cheating you out of at least HALF of the gains you should be getting!)
  • Why The Amount Of Rest Between Sets Can Have An ENORMOUS And Long-Lasting Impact On Your Size. (Almost no one does this right)
  • How Eating The Wrong Diet Can Literally Vaporize Your Precious Muscle Mass.   (You’d be amazed at how many guys think they're eating right… but their diet is actually causing them to LOSE muscle mass.)
  • Skinny fella? Here’s how to eat to pack on muscle without getting fat. (Your body can only use so much food to build muscle before it spills over into fat gain.) 
  • Big fella? Here’s how to eat to build muscle and torch fat at the same time! 
  • The Most Important Muscle Growth Stimulus Factor You Need To Manipulate To Get Maximum Results From Your Training. (Most routines, like the one you’re probably using now, completely ignore the most important factor for rapid growth.)
  • How To “Shock” Your Muscles Into Growing Faster Than They Want To. (Plateaus will be a thing of the past!) 
  • Exactly What To Eat Before Your Workout So You'll Have The Raw Power Of A Gorilla (You’ll tear through your workouts like a rabid beast.)
  • The BEST rep range for "every day" guys who want to build massive amounts of muscle. (Training out of this range is a waste of time.)
  • Discover The "HOLY GRAIL" Of Muscle Building Foods that are guaranteed to give you freakish size gains.
  • The EXACT blend of protein, carbs, fats, and calories you must consume to quickly gain lean muscle mass (and keep it on forever.)
  • How to become the fastest-growing guy in your gym... And leave the gym rats in shock, wondering how you come back bigger... stronger... able to lift more weight every single week without fail... and you're only there 3 days a week for a quick 45-minute workout.
  • Discover "The Big 6" Exercises That Skyrocket Strength Levels (Heavier weights = more muscle growth. These exercises separate the boys from the REAL men who get results.)
  • The EXACT Formula For Muscle Growth You Need To Follow Each Time You Set Foot In The Gym. (How many sets you should do... How many reps... How long you should rest... What exercises to do... How much weight you should lift... How long your workouts should last... This eliminates all gym anxiety.)
  • And much, much more...

Anyway, I could go on and on, but here’s the deal…

Just Build Some Damn Muscle is everything I wish I knew about training, nutrition, and recovery when I first started in the gym. Something like this would’ve saved me YEARS of struggle.

Here's what you get:

Just Build Some Damn Muscle

The EXACT Formula For Muscle Growth You Need To Follow Each Time You Set Foot In The Gym. (How many sets you should do... How many reps... How long you should rest... What exercises to do... How much weight you should lift... How long your workouts should last... This eliminates all gym anxiety.)

Bonus: Eat to Grow

This guide will show you exactly how much to eat... what to eat... when to eat... to build a badass body. And how to do it without giving up the foods you love. I've included my personal meal plan, a list of the best muscle building foods, how to know exactly how much YOU should be eating (not a cookie cutter meal plan,) and so much more.

Bonus: No B.S. Supps

Do you know which supplements are worth your money? And which ones are a complete waste of time? This guide answers both of those questions. In it, I give you my personal supplements stack. After years of wasting my hard earned money on b.s. I give you the truth of what's worth it and what's worthless.

Bonus: Just Build Some Damn Muscle Quick Start Guide

I know some guys don't care about the "why" behind the methods. They just want to know what to do and when to do it so they can get started as quickly as possible.

And that's why I created the Quick Start guide. You'll get all the important components in less than 10 minutes. (Works as a great "refresher" too.)

If you're a busy guy that just wants to get started on building a badass body... this is the guide for you.

This system gives you everything you need to know to pack on as much muscle as your genetic potential allows.

And you can grab it today for just $37 by clicking the "I want this!" button to the right.

Plus it comes with an Iron Clad 60 day guarantee.

Try the Just Build Some Damn Muscle System for 60 days without any risk.

I promise you this, if you put this plan into action and follow it to a “T,” you WILL get bigger and stronger week after week. 

But, if at any time in those 2 months you are unhappy with it for any reason… if you haven’t piled muscle on your frame, if you aren’t oozing with new found confidence...… if your friends aren’t asking you what your “secret” for packing on muscle and getting jacked so fast is… just let me know and you’ll receive a 100% no hassle refund.

Click the "I want this!" button to get access today.

Your man,


I want this!

60-Day Iron Clad Guarantee

Try the Just Build Some Damn Muscle System for 60 days without any risk. I promise you this, if you put this plan into action and follow it to a “T,” you WILL get bigger and stronger week after week.  But, if at any time in those 2 months you are unhappy with it for any reason… if you haven’t piled muscle on your frame, if you aren’t oozing with new found confidence...… if your friends aren’t asking you what your “secret” for packing on muscle and getting jacked so fast is… just let me know and you’ll receive a 100% no hassle refund.

Last updated Mar 27, 2024

You'll get Just Build Some Damn Muscle, Eat to Grow, No B.S. Supps, and the Quick Start guide.

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Just Build Some Damn Muscle

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